Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 2, 2014


Nguyễn Tăng Hồng phiên dịch

Hai vợ chồng nhà nọ chuyển đến nhà mới ở tầng 5 một khu chung cư, cô vợ nói :
- Này anh, phải mua ngay rèm treo cửa sổ kẻo khi em thay quần áo đi ngủ, bên kia người ta nhìn thấy mất !
- Khỏi cần, họ nhìn thấy em, tự họ sẽ phải mua lấy rèm che cửa nhà họ thôi !

A married couple has just moved to live in a new flat on the 5th floor of a building. The wife told her husband :
- We should buy a window curtain immediately. People in the opposite building would see me when I take off my clothes before going to bed !
- There is no need to do so, They will buy the curtain themselves once when they have seen you !
A married couple has just moved to live in a new flat on the 5th floor of a building. The wife told her husband :
- We should buy a window curtain immediately. People in the opposite building would see me when I take off my clothes before going to bed !
- There is no need to do so, They will buy the curtain themselves once when they have seen you !WHO NEEDS TO BUY THE CURTAIN ?
A married couple has just moved to live in a new flat on the 5th floor of a building. The wife told her husband :
- We should buy a window curtain immediately. People in the opposite building would see me when I take off my clothes before going to bed !
- There is no need to do so, They will buy the curtain themselves once when they have seen you !

A married couple has just moved to live in a new flat on the 5th floor of a building. The wife told her husband:
- We should a window curtain immediately. People in the opposite building would see me when I take off my clothes before going to bed!
 - There is no need to do so. They will buy the curtain themselves once when they have seen you! 
Một người vợ đánh điện cho chồng từ nhà nghỉ chống béo phỉ :
"Mới có bốn tuần mà em đã sụt cân xuống một nửa. Em nên ở bao lâu nữa ?"
Chồng đánh điện trả lời :
“Bốn tuần nữa!”
From sanatorium of treating obesity, a wife sent her husband a message:
“Just for 4 weeks I’ve lost weight by a half. How long should I stay here?”
The husband telegraphed:
“Another 4 weeks!”
ĐỪNG LÀM THẾ ! Một ông chồng đang hấp hối. Bà vợ suốt đời rầy la chồng, giờ đây khóc than hết nước mắt, vừa khóc vừa kể lể :
"Anh yêu ơi ! anh nỡ lòng nào bỏ lại em cô đơn trên cỏi đời này? Có lẽ em
đi theo anh mất thôi !"
Nghe vậy, ông chồng vội gượng dậy bảo :
“Ôi, đừng làm thế em ơi ! Hãy để cho anh có lúc được nghỉ ngơi!”
The husband is on deathbed. The wife has always scolded him, is bewailing and spinning him a yarn:
“My dear, How could you leave me alone in the world? Perhaps I should follow you!”
Hearing that, the husband tried to sit up and said:
“My darling, don’t do that. Let me go and have a rest!”
"Ôi đừng làm thế em ơi ! Hãy để cho anh có lúc được nghỉ ngơi chứ !"

The husband is on deathbed. The wife has always scolded him, is bewailing and spinning him a yarn :
"My dear ! How could you leave me alone in this world ? Perhaps I should follow you !"
Hearing that, the husband tried to sit up and said :
"My darling, don't do that. Let me go and have a rest

Vợ hỏi chồng làm nghề duyệt phim :
- Giữa em và điện ảnh khác nhau thế nào ?
- Khác nhau ở chỗ, nếu phim nào không thích thì anh bỏ nó đi, còn với em thì không thể !...

A woman asked her husband who is a film previewer :
- What is the difference between me and the movies ?
- The difference is, If I don't like the film I may cut it off, but not with you....!

A woman asked her husband who is a film previewer :
- What is the difference between me and the movies ?
- The difference is, If I don't like the film I may cut it off, but not with you....!
A woman asked her husband who is a film previewer:
- What is the difference between me and the movies?
- The difference is if I don’t like the film I may cut it off but not with you!

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